Sebastiao Salgado

 Sebastiao Salgado, a Brazilian photojournalist who works in human crisis, and captures world changing events from all over the globe. His images have been some of the most influential pieces of work to ever surface in terms of getting help to people in need, and exposing the atrocities of mankind as a whole. Salgado would spend his life dedicated to capturing and documenting the world around him to an extreme degree.

This first image is of the oil fields in Kuwait that were set on fire. Firefighters and Emergency workers from around the world came to help stop this seemingly endless blaze, and Salgado helped capture and even further publicize it. The deep contrast really helps emphasize the extreme circumstances of the situation. 

This image was taken of penguins in the Arctic, jumping into the water. It isn't an image that documents human interactions, but it captures yet another intense and harsh environment in which he chooses to do his work. The way he captures the landscape is truly amazing, and although tonalities are exaggerated greatly, it's what makes this work really pop.

This last image is of a gold mine in Serra Pelada. The image shows the bodies of all of the people in the mines, all from different walks of life, all after the same thing. Each and every single one of these people worked for the same thing, themselves, their own financial freedom. Salgado described them as seeming like slave laborers, but each and every single one was there at their own will. Salgado captures the rather muddy and wet environment, making the viewer feel like they could be there just by looking at the image.
