Matt Black
Matt Black works in series based on location, and topic. Somewhat similar to what I did, although instead of going after capturing the people there, I looked at the cars. Of course, my series was much shorter than that of Black's works, but we have a similar idea in terms of capturing what is around us in that specific place. This first image sort of introduces the scene. Black makes it sort of like a POVshot, as if waking up from a daze in the middle of a valley. The picture sort of gives off the feeling of confusion, as if Black isn't used to this type of environment. The exposure is very nice though, not having too much contrast, sort of giving off the impression of the dusty landscape. This next image captures another interesting angle, showing the people of the Valley. It looks like another POV shot of Black getting onto the bus with all of these people. Perhaps he infers to it being one of the only ways people get around there, or at least the most popular. Black's c...