
Showing posts from December, 2022

Matt Black

 Matt Black works in series based on location, and topic. Somewhat similar to what I did, although instead of going after capturing the people there, I looked at the cars. Of course, my series was much shorter than that of Black's works, but we have a similar idea in terms of capturing what is around us in that specific place. This first image sort of introduces the scene. Black makes it sort of like a POVshot, as if waking up from a daze in the middle of a valley. The picture sort of gives off the feeling of confusion, as if Black isn't used to this type of environment. The exposure is very nice though, not having too much contrast, sort of giving off the impression of the dusty landscape. This next image captures another interesting angle, showing the people of the Valley. It looks like another POV shot of Black getting onto the bus with all of these people. Perhaps he infers to it being one of the only ways people get around there, or at least the most popular. Black's c...

Sebastiao Salgado

 Sebastiao Salgado, a Brazilian photojournalist who works in human crisis, and captures world changing events from all over the globe. His images have been some of the most influential pieces of work to ever surface in terms of getting help to people in need, and exposing the atrocities of mankind as a whole. Salgado would spend his life dedicated to capturing and documenting the world around him to an extreme degree. This first image is of the oil fields in Kuwait that were set on fire. Firefighters and Emergency workers from around the world came to help stop this seemingly endless blaze, and Salgado helped capture and even further publicize it. The deep contrast really helps emphasize the extreme circumstances of the situation.  This image was taken of penguins in the Arctic, jumping into the water. It isn't an image that documents human interactions, but it captures yet another intense and harsh environment in which he chooses to do his work. The way he captures the landsc...

Arnold Newman: Environmental Portrait Photography

 Arnold Newman is an American Photographer who's known for his environmental portraits. He uses a range of different backgrounds, displaying people in the most extravagant of ways possible, letting the viewers know about their personality. Newman's approach to exposures varies a lot though, so I sometimes find it hard to distinguish when a work is his. This first image captures Igor Stravinsky. Right away you can tell he's a skilled musician. Newman spent lots of time figuring out just how to crop Stravinsky in the image. Despite the image being about him, he isn't really the main subject of the image. It's the shapes, the black and white and the piano, looking like a musical note. It's a really interesting way to capture someone, especially in their element. This next image features former president John F Kennedy. Newman portrays him in such grand architecture. Yet he makes Kennedy look small compared to the rest of the background. I feel like this image is di...