George Eastman Museum
The George Eastman Museum featured some amazing pieces by various photographers. Here I've picked out some of my favorites, as well as things I just found very interesting.
This first piece is by Anastasia Samoylova is titled Cargo Ship. It was taken as a part of her FLOODZONE series which is a commentary on the rising sea levels in major coastal cities, Miami to be specific. This image shows a cargo ship, and all it's interesting colors. The way the ship blends in with the sky is truly a breathtaking sight, as well as how colossal it truly looks next to the port; taking up the entire image.
This next image was also done by Anastasia Samoylova, as a part of her FLOODZONE series. It shows a beached boat, and all of these people standing around it. Something about the image just stands out greatly to me, and the fact that it was captured in black and white gives off the impression that it's an old image compared to the others in the series, as most of them are in color.
This last image by Edward Burtynsky taken in 2005 shows an abandoned Chinese Factory, laden with dust and debris, with light shining through the ceiling and windows. The photo is eerily empty, and the centering really adds to that effect.
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