Lee Friedlander

 Lee Friedlander has a unique style of street photography, often featuring himself as a part of the subject matter. His self portraiture in his images can be very subtle, or very direct, but you can usually tell it's the work of Friedlander when you see his images, even for the first time.

This first image is from his street photography, using the woman in front of him to frame the shadow of his own portrait. This image without his shadow would look over exposed, but the bright contrast of the back of the woman's head perfectly frames Friedlander's shadow.

This second image uses Friedland's own reflection in the car mirror to fill the empty space in the left third of the image. He turns a rather uninteresting sight, a disheveled looking church, into an interesting photo. He frames it nicely with the car window, the mirror, and the lights around it. His camera is pointed at just the right angle that he can't see the lens in the mirror.
